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Fall Roofing Check-up

Get Your Roof a Fall Check-up

roofing-checkupYour roof is one of the most critical components of your home. Much like your car and your yard, your roof requires regular preventative treatments to ensure top performance and safety. As a homeowner, you should have your roof checked twice a year to keep it in working order. Checking it at the beginning of the spring and fall seasons will allow you to detect potential problems before they turn into much larger issues.

The National Roofing Contractors Association highly recommends hiring a professional roofing contractor to inspect your roof for you. As the leading roofing company in Ohio, The Siding & Insulation Company has thoroughly trained professionals who can handle nearly any roofing situation.

Prior to calling a professional, some homeowners may elect to perform their own initial inspection. When taking this approach, here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

Ladder Safety

      • Always make sure that the ladder is securely planted on level, solid ground.
      • Prior to climbing a ladder, always inspect it for any damage or debris that could cause a fall.
      • Be sure that the ladder is properly angled. Industry experts suggest that for every 4 feet in height, the ladder should be angled 1 foot away from the house.

Once the ladder has been firmly planted and thoroughly inspected for danger, you are ready to climb it. Here are some things to look for once you have climbed the ladder:

      • Heavy wear or loose material around pipes, chimneys and other areas.
      • Damaged shingles. This can include ones that are curling, buckling or blistering. Any of theses symptoms are signs that the shingle will soon need to be replaced.

The average shingled roof will last from 12-18 years before needing to be replaced. If you are unsure how old your roof is, it is imperative that you regularly check the condition of it. 

Importance of Regular Roof Maintenance

An issue as simple as a rotted plumbing boot can cause your roof to leak. Having your roof regularly inspected by a professional can spare you from having to file insurance claims, pay large deductibles and repair costs for damages caused by a neglected roof. Ultimately, regular roof checkups will save you time and money.